Well, it's Advent, and
...... wait, that's not right! It's not
Advent..... not even close. We've just
come out of Lent, and we haven't yet entered Pentecost, so that must mean that
we're in the Easter Season. But, aren't
we finished with Easter? I mean, that
was weeks ago, wasn't it?
As United Methodists, we
follow a liturgical calendar. That just
means that at certain times of the year, we "celebrate" or
"commemorate" or somethingate
those events in the life of Jesus and the early church. It's confusing to say the least. Like, the first Sunday of the Christian calendar year begins with the
first Sunday of Advent, usually in very late November or very early
December. Seems odd, doesn't it? Yeah, I think so too. The very last Sunday of the Christian
calendar year, usually just before or after Thanksgiving, is a Sunday we call
"Christ the King" Sunday, in which we somethingate Christ as the victor..... Christ as the king. Then we start all over again the following
Sunday with Advent..... you know, the Mary-Joseph-Baby Jesus stuff.
But wait...... that's not
all. After Advent, we have the Christmas
Season (no, it does not end at Midnight on December 25!), the Epiphany season,
the season of Lent, (which includes Holy Week), the season of Easter, and then Pentecost. And, that's where we find ourselves
today..... coming to a close of the Easter Season..... the "40-ish"
days after Christ's resurrection. So,
what's next? You'd just love for me to
tell you, wouldn't you? Well, instead of
me telling you, how 'bout this? Check
out Acts chapter 2. I'll set the
stage. Jesus has been resurrected. Jesus has appeared to disciples, and
others. Jesus gives them instructions to
"Sit! Stay!", and Jesus
ascends "toward heaven." OK. Now....GO! ... check out Acts chapter 2. (Hint:
it's got a couple of descriptions..... "the coming of the Holy
Spirit," and "The birth of the church.")
This year, Sunday May 27
is Pentecost Sunday. So, go and do your
homework before then! And then, come
prepared to answer the question:
"Do we eat black eyed peas during Advent?"
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