Greetings from Kentucky! I miss you all, but I’m having a great time of intensive learning and reconnecting with new friends I made this past summer. As we got “caught up” with each other at dinner on Sunday night, I reported with joy and excitement all that is happening at Davis. They were excited for us!
It was a very long drive into Wilmore, Kentucky (just outside of Lexington), just about two full days. The first day I made it as far as Memphis, which is almost exactly half way there. The next day I drove from Memphis through Nashville, and on into Kentucky, arriving in Wilmore just after dark. Just north of the Kentucky border I noticed something odd on the ground..... SNOW! However, the next day, we had some Texas type weather with the temperature getting up to around 50, and the snow disappeared. Right now, it’s back to being pretty cold, but no ice or snow in the forecast..... at least not for now.
Have you ever heard someone say something to the effect of “on the trip, don’t miss the journey”? I realized this to be true on my drive to Kentucky. The first day, knowing I was in for a long drive, I had the radio on, and listened to a variety of things including my favorite tunes on my iPod, talk shows on the radio, and I even found a comedy channel or two. Yet, I couldn’t find anything that really held my attention, and I was frustrated. The second day of my drive (about 6-1/2 to 7 hours) I turned off the radio, and drove in silence. This is the part that I loved, for in the silence, I took in the beauty of the scenery, and listened for God’s “still small voice” as I made my way, hour by hour, across the changing countryside. On this day, I did not miss the journey, and this journey was a thing of beauty.
So, I’m exhausted, but it’s a good kind of exhaustion. My class is intense, but wonderful, and I am learning so much. I am grateful to be here, but I am ready to come home soon.
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